Monday 30 November 2015


This week we have been learning all about Matter. Matter is anything that takes up space. This can be one of three states: Solid, Liquid, or Gas.

Experiment 1: Balloon Poke 

We got to pass around 3 different balloons. One was heavy, hard, and cold, one was very light and almost floated, and the other was squishy and a bit heavy. After we all felt and observed them, we made guesses of which one would be a solid, liquid, or gas. After our predictions, Ms. Brown popped them open. One made a loud noise because the air (gas) popped out of it! Then another squirted water (liquid) out of it! Last, the other had a hard ice ball (solid) that was slippery and cold! 

Experiment 2: Matter is Poppin'

Question: What happens when we put Pop Rocks in our mouth? 

"They pop in our mouth!" 

"The gases are air pockets jumping and sizzling!"

Question: What happens when we add Pop Rocks to Pop?

"The gases mix together and blow up the balloon!"

Experiment 3: Gas Fireworks 

Question: What happens when you put Mentos in Diet Cola?

We created a paper funnel to drop the Mentos in to control the direction of the bubbled-over pop.  

Unfortunately, the pop foamed up the funnel before we even dropped the Mentos. As this took out half of the Diet Cola, when we dropped the Mentos in, there was no reaction. 

After our first failed attempt, we tried another brand of Diet Coke, but in a smaller plastic bottle. The mentos had the effect we thought, but not even close to the 'explosion' we were hoping for. 

Experiment 4: Freezing a Liquid to a Solid: ICE CREAM 

What you'll need:

- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla 
- 6 tablespoons salt 
- 1 large freezer ziplock bag
- 1 small or medium sandwich ziplock bag 

How to make it:

Fill the large bag half full of ice, and add the rock salt. Seal the bag. Put milk, vanilla, and sugar into the small bag, and it. Place the small bag inside the large one, and seal it again carefully. Shake until the mixture is ice cream, which takes about 5 minutes. Wipe off the top of the small bag, then open it carefully. Enjoy!

We had so much fun making 'icecream' but quickly realized the importance of having plenty of salt to cover the ice cubes to stop the ice from melting. Most of us ended up with cold milk shakes instead of icecream, but we all definitely got the idea! We can change the state of a liquid to the state of a solid by FREEZING. As well, we can change a solid to a liquid by MELTING. (Just like our ice cubes melting because the air in our classroom was much warmer.) 

Experiment 5: Oobleck-- Solid or Liquid?

Inspired by the Dr. Seuss book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, we made our very own Oobleck. 

When you pat or shake the Oobleck it is a solid. But if you hold the Oobleck still, it becomes a liquid, all gooey and messy! 

-- Division 10

Thursday 26 November 2015


Connection! We have been discussing Community this month AND started talking Nutrition last week. Well, today one of our parents came in to talk about her job in the community. She is a Nutritionist! 

We learned about how sugar causes us to crash and that healthy eating is also having a good balance! It is very important to eat our healthy food first! Then a small treat isn't so bad. 

We also got to sample some healthy treats made with ingredients other than sugar! Some would say "Yum!" and others would say "gross!" But the important thing is that we all tried! 

Thank-you to our parent volunteer! She was full of knowledge! As well, thank-you for sharing a delicious sounding recipe! Can't wait to try it!

Here is the recipe for Quinoa Chocolate Cupcakes: 

-- Division 10

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Update on our Community

Cardboard boxes are starting to look like buildings, toilet paper rolls are looking like 3D characters, and the smiles and excitement continue to stay on the children's faces. 

-- Division 10

Monday 23 November 2015

In the Making-- Our Community: The Gigantic

Today we started our first day of our student-made project. We each have chosen a job that we would like to do when we grow up. After a discussion, many of the children realized that each job needs a workplace and each workplace put together is a community. Therefore, we needed to build our own community in our classroom. 

Here are a few pictures of our community in the making: 

We have been hard at work and already we are starting to see a community! A couple of students have already realized that we are missing a few key things that a community need-- maybe a hospital, doctor's office, or a Government building!? Ah huh! This sounds like some of the children will be taking on more roles in this community! 

Stay tuned during the week to see more pictures of how our community is coming along! 

-- Division 10

Friday 6 November 2015

The Fire Hall!

Today we got the opportunity to visit a local Fire Hall in our community. We discussed fire safety, explored the hall and the inside of a fire truck, and even got to spray the hose! 

Are these items hot or not?

What do we do if our clothing catches on fire? STOP, DROP, and ROLL!

The Fire Truck:

Free car wash anyone?

Of course, a field trip wouldn't be a field trip without a class picture!

Fire fighters have a very important role in our community! They keep us safe and help us when we are in need! (They also need to stay strong because the gear and hose is VERY heavy...!)

Have a safe weekend! 


Division 10