Tuesday 8 December 2015

Italy: Buone Fest Natalize!

Buone Feste Natalize!
(This means “Merry Christmas” in Italian—the language people speak in Italy!)

Today we read, 'The Legend of La Befana', by Tomie DePaola. On the night between the 5th and 6th of January, three kings wanted to visit baby Jesus. They walked all night carrying presents with them. They became lost and knocked at a door of an old woman’s house, the house of La Befana. They asked Befana which way they would need to go to find the baby Jesus and if she could come with them to show them the way to Bethlehem. Befana gave them the right directions but she refused to go. She had many things to do at her house, like sweep! Later, Befana felt badly about saying no to the kings. She made a lot of cakes and walked outside her home. She offered cakes to all the children she met on her way, hoping one of them were Jesus. Since then, Befana brings gifts to all the children.

We also discussed the importance of Christmas Eve and Day dinner with the Italian families. The houses are always busy with extended family, and their meals are always large and exciting. We heard that a delicious, must-have breakfast is Zabaglione (egg yolk, sugar, and marsala), a piece of panettone, and espresso. Unfortunately, we are not able to test out their castagne (chestnuts). But apparently roasting chestnuts is big during Christmas in Italy! Of course, we wouldn't miss talking about pizza, spaghetti, or gelato! Yum! 

Buone Feste Natalize!


Division 10

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